Saturday, 11 June 2016
Chika listened in shock to the heated argument on the other end.
"Chii, who is it?" Her husband , Paul asked groggily,
"It's Ugo, but she isn't saying anything; maybe she mistakenly dialled my number, I'l hang up now." He was already snoring in response, As Chikas heartbeat increased , the thump thump of her heavy heart was the only sound, in the quiet room as she lay beside her sleeping husband.
"Chai...she said almost inaudilbly, Did Kene really tell Ugo", she thought as she broke out in hot sweat, despite the cool air from the air conditioning system in the room.
"I'm doomed, my marriage, my home, my relatonship". She moaned, as she tossed about on the king size bed , careful not to awaken her husband.
She cursed the day she had attended the party, she didnt want to go, but Ugo had pleaded, coaxed, threatened and even called Paul for permission. She was supposed to attend too; Kene had just opened another branch of his Lubricant business at Isale Eko; it had been tough to break into the market there and so he had organised the party to celebrate this small victory. But Tamar had come down with a fever at the last moment hence Ugos pleas . Plus she had another motive : a third pair of eye on a female client, with a knack for late night business calls and an over friendly attitude.
Chika was stil hesistant ; Not that she hated partying, far from it. But she had tried to avoid social gatherings for some time now. She loathed the small talk/gossips, and unsolicited family and conception advice that was usually rife in such situations. Everyone seemed to have a solution to infertility. And Paul was away; less partying ; less temptation.
But this was Kene; Ugos husband, and she was relatively unknown in his circles plus the only attraction she had ever felt for him was filial. Little did she know that a little alcohol, the cover of darkness and a horny body was the perfect recipe for disaster.
She felt terrible; they both did.
But they both agreed that some things were better left unsaid. And it remained so, Even after she saw the second faint line....
That was until aunty Ukay, had attended Paul's homecoming party, and left along with her commonsense.
It was the weekend after Paul returned home from his training at the Haskayne business School, Calgary; he had just completed his Global Energy Executive MBA and everyone had been around to celebrate. Chika was not in much of a celebratory mood, It was barely a week since she found out she was expecting. She had been shocked to her marrow. Her cycle was ALWAYS on time, always...month after month ...right from was assuring while she was in school ; a constant reminder that once again 'she was safe' . Àfter her marriage, it haunted her....a dreadful reminder of her failure to conceive...month after month. Not even a failed pregnancy. The test result were also the same..they were both fine.
And now this...she was numb, surprised, then elated....the days after she looked at her body differently in the bathroom mirror..."So, finally, this stomach would carry a child". Nothing was going to steal this joy away from her, not even the knowledge that the baby wasn't her husband's.
That could be fixed...Paul was due back by the weekend...her conscience still haunted her , but she silenced it by admitting that she had done one wrong; adultery. She wasn't going to do another by committing murder. She vowed to take her secret with her to the grave...
Until, Paul's homecoming party and Aunty Ukay had made the snide comment about her weight and her inability to get pregnant. Chika was horrified, she was Paul's eldest sister and the Margaret Thatcher of the family....and so she had bitten a retort. Paul had worsened the injury, by telling her she meant no harm. And so it was the Obi's she had gone to the next day to unburden... And that was when she had blurted it out, in the short moment Ugo had gone to lay her sleeping baby.
"Now this!..I"'ll just deny him", I will! I'll tell everyone, he had come up with that because i scorned his drunken advances'
Ùgo sat across the room staring blankly at the matron...she had gone from shock, anger, betrayal, confusion...and now this emptiness. There were no words for how she felt, she had returned home, a fortnight ago...after their two month separation. They had managed to keep it within their immediate families.. Paul had pleaded so, especially after the 'blighted ovum' diagnosis at her 12 weeks scan . They had scheduled a D$C and Chika had pleaded for her to be present.. Ugo had gone; even if it was just to gloat. That was the first time, she had seen Chika after their fight.
But she was inconsolable from the loss and guilt; all attempt to pacify her had failed until Ugo came. She had gone down on her knees and cried, before she was wheeled into the theatre...while Ugo watched indifferently. She had forgiven a long time but she still could not forget. And so she kept her distance.
The congregation echoed the last verse of the hymn..
"I was once lost
But now I'm found
Was blind but now, I see"
As the hymn ended , the preacher took the microphone and began the sermon
" That's the thing about grace, while we yet undeserving of His mercy. God showed us mercy, You may have been through the worst; you may still be going through a fire...tough financial situations, unemploment, childlessness, a betrayal, infertility, false it.
Whatever it is, I repeat Whatever it is, You will pull through". The congregation thundered, "Amen"
"Listen to me, God gives His toughest battles, to His strongest soldiers, It may seem overwhelming, Let go and let God,
Pain ends"
Ugo sat stoically, as a tear escaped and rolled down her cheek...just one. The torrents had since seized its flow. That was it! It was over!
She looked over at Tamar, who was sitting sandwiched between her parents. She reached forth and extended a hand towards her husband, who was already on his knees. Kene looked over at his wife, and grabbed with both hands....."Thank you Jesus, thank you Lord"...they hugged tightly, oblivious of the clapping and singing around them.

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